
Video installation, 2019
Object: a wooden chest of drawers
Dimensions: 80 x 40 x 30 cm
Additional elements in the work: hair, electromotor, display, video (loop)

The constructed form of the work, similar to a utilitarian object (a chest of drawers), features several visual segments and media units (mechanical and electrical motion, video, image, object). The work is entitled Kad(a)r-ov (capable) from the noun Cadre, refers to any (military, official, professional...) cadre – the one who can do something. The segments set like this, in a half-open drawer, are suggestive of a withdrawal, a possible shear, elusion, loneliness. The field of action in interaction is presented in the circular motion of the hair, placed in the object’s only open drawer. The motion of the hair suggests to the viewer a peek into interpreting the entangled hairs, opening questions about the course, speed and shear through coexistence. To the contrary, on the top – on the lid of the chest of drawers, there are two asymmetrically positioned openings, different in sizes. In one, there is a reproduced static image – a drop, a tear, while in the other, there is a video of a moving elbow – skin. The three images, the hair-tear-skin, are interconnected in an action from personal experience of life and are a simulator of futile activities and states of Mr Kadrov’s soul.