The work/installation ASC/DESC, in a spatial ambient and through all segments, forms a group that is placed in an informal and disturbed order, where each segment is slightly displaced from the order. These positions suggest movement, order, up-down, and in the opposite sense down-up, depending on the position of the observer. From this classification-like order came the title of the work: ASC/DESC, which signifies the path of understanding and reading the work through the flow, the choice of movement characteristic of a subjective, life and/or socially determined, conditioned flow. The title ASC/DESC is actually a key phrase for data management, and refers to indexing a relation, indicating a specific sort, ASCENDING/DESCENDING order of a controlled selection. The bed, in its reduced form and construction, represents a place, a habitat, a territory, it transcendentally alludes to ease, the environment of a home in which it is not.
The bed is a place where the absence of everything vital is emphasized. The doll, in a horizontal position, suggests a state of levitation. The state of levitation as a term denoting the state between life and death. This position of the doll is determined by the position of the bed. In addition, the doll is facing down towards the bed and the ground, in an atypical planking position, suggesting a fall, a sinking, a decay. In a visual sense, these two elements are asymmetrical and unbalanced, the center of gravity of the figure-doll against the bed expresses the only tense physical function, while in the content sense, exactly this position emphasizes the center of gravity, that is, the existential thread in the required balance. The sound unifies the spatiality of the entire installation and represents an ambient noise in which the only sound change is an associative ping-tone, in different, discordant time intervals, which hint at certain incoming virtual messages. The simulated display on the surface of the bed, which is located in segments at different positions and places, is always in the space between the surface of the bed and the figure, and carries a certain textual content. This display with the entered text was set up and implemented in printed form and is a simulation of a screenshot screen, which from case to case hints at the stopped position of scrolled searches in messages. The content of the messages on the display is different in all segments and represents randomly selected places of the typical flow of everyday messages. The texts are constructed in such a way that they set the opposite relationship in relation to the experienced objects of the bed and the figure, they open up space for the understanding of completely opposite principles, opinions, states, movements, etc. Actually, the contents of the text messages, which come from the ASC/DESC movement syntagm, are a random selection of stray messages, temporal places, messages with an error, an error in the context of interpretation, etc. These text messages correspond to the relation of dramatic and at the same time common messages within everyday communication. In addition, this communication can refer to a dialogue between two people or a monologue, that is, to an inner voice. All these positions in the work emphasize the place of the omitted human life, which can be sensed and which is given only in traces.